Summer is a great time to begin orthodontic treatment. For many patients, their school and work schedules allow for extra flexibility to come in for an initial consultation and to get their braces put on. Many of these same patients are ready in a year or two to have their braces removed–just in time for summer fun.

Masterpiece Smiles, Just in Time for Summer

Here’s a small collection of patients who completed treatment just as this summer was kicking off. We love their masterpiece smiles and it’s been a treat to see them flashing their new smiles around town this season. We hope these great smiles inject a little more light into your day too!

How to get Started on Your Own Masterpiece Smile

Summer is one of the best times to start orthodontic treatments. You can take full advantage of this season by scheduling your first no-obligation consultation with us today. And if you’re curious why Oppenhuizen Orthodontics has so many devoted patients and families, don’t miss our most recent blog post where you can hear directly from some of our valued patients.