ADA Policy

Oppenhuizen Orthodontics

Policy on Communication with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons

Oppenhuizen Orthodontics shall take necessary steps to ensure that no individual who is deaf or hard-of-hearing is excluded, denied services, segregated or otherwise treated differently than other individuals because of the absence of ‘auxiliary aids and services’ unless providing services is an undue burden.

Effective Communication

Oppenhuizen Orthodontics will furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services, free of charge, where necessary, to ensure effective communication with individuals with disabilities. We will also provide effective communication to accompanying companions who are deaf or hard of hearing provided that the companion is an appropriate person for us to communicate with regarding the treatment.

The term ‘auxiliary aids and services’ to ensure effective communication includes:

Qualified interpreters, on-site or through video remote interpreting (VRI) services; notetakers; real-time computer-aided transcription services; written materials; exchange of written notes; assistive listening devices and systems; real-time captioning; voice, text, and video-based telecommunications products and systems, or other effective methods of making aurally delivered information available to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Assessment and Determination of Appropriate Auxiliary Aids and Services

To best serve people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, the determination of which appropriate auxiliary aids and services are necessary, and the timing, duration, and frequency with which they will be provided, must be made at the time an appointment is scheduled for patients or companions who are known to be deaf or hard of hearing, or upon the arrival of the patient or companion who is deaf or hard of hearing at Oppenhuizen Orthodontics, whichever is earlier.

Oppenhuizen Orthodontics will consult with individuals with disabilities whenever possible to determine what auxiliary aids or services are needed to ensure effective communication, but the ultimate decision as to what measures to take and what aids to utilize rests with Oppenhuizen Orthodontics, as long as the result is effective communication. Effective communication will be provided in an accessible format, in a timely manner, and will protect the privacy of the individual.

The type of auxiliary aid or service necessary to ensure effective communication will vary in accordance with the method of communication used by the individual; the nature, length, and complexity of the communication involved; and the context in which the communication is taking place.  For ongoing series of appointments, Oppenhuizen will work with the person with a disability to determine which auxiliary aids and services are required given the context of the various appointments.  For example, passing written notes might be appropriate for a routine adjustment, but more intensive and complicated appointments may require a different auxiliary aid or service, such as a qualified interpreter.

Oppenhuizen Orthodontics will not require an individual with a disability to bring another individual to the office to interpret for him or her.

Oppenhuizen Orthodontics will not rely on adults accompanying an individual with a disability to interpret or facilitate communication except:

  1. In an emergency involving an imminent threat to the safety or welfare of an individual or the public where a qualified interpreter is not available, or
  2. When the disabled individual requests that the adult interprets for them, the accompanying adult agrees, and reliance on the accompanying adult is appropriate under the circumstances.

Oppenhuizen Orthodontics will not rely on a minor child to interpret or facilitate communication, except in an emergency involving an imminent threat to the safety or welfare of an individual or the public where there is no interpreter available.

Oppenhuizen Orthodontics will continually assess the effectiveness of our communication to decide which auxiliary aids and services, if any, are necessary during an appointment.  If phone or video interpretation services are necessary, we will use the services of CyraCom Interpreters. If onsite services are necessary, we will utilize the State of Michigan Online Interpreter System Directory to locate a qualified interpreter in our area of service.

If Oppenhuizen Orthodontics determines that an onsite interpreter is needed at the time the appointment is scheduled, Oppenhuizen Orthodontics will make a qualified interpreter available at the time of the scheduled appointment.  If an interpreter fails to arrive, Oppenhuizen will immediately call the interpreter service for another qualified interpreter.  If Oppenhuizen Orthodontics determines that an onsite interpreter is needed at the time of the appointment, Oppenhuizen Orthodontics will immediately call the interpreter service for a qualified interpreter.  If a qualified interpreter is not immediately available, Oppenhuizen Orthodontics will work with the individual with a disability to reschedule the appointment within five (5) business days of the originally scheduled appointment, unless the patient requests a later date.

Oppenhuizen Orthodontics will not refer an individual with a disability to another service provider because that individual has requested auxiliary aids or services.  In addition, Oppenhuizen Orthodontics will not retaliate against individuals with disabilities for requesting auxiliary aids or services.

For further clarification, please communicate with Dr. Oppenhuizen and apprise him of the situation so that we can accommodate the situation appropriately and in a timely manner.