Temporary Restrictions due to COVID-19
As all of you are well aware, we are in the throes of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
Governor Whitmer has declared a “State of Emergency’ (exec order 2020-04) in Michigan and has followed with numerous executive orders related to the State of Emergency.
On Friday March 20, the governor issued an order for temporary restriction of non-essential dental procedures.
Until the state of emergency ends, our office is implementing a plan to postpone non-essential orthodontic procedures. The executive order states:
For purposes of this order, “non-essential procedure” means a dental procedure that is not necessary to address a medical emergency or to preserve the health and safety of a patient, as determined by a licensed medical provider.
The order further delineates non-essential to mean:
any orthodontic procedures that do not relieve pain or infection, restore oral function, or are not trauma-related.
The order says that a dental (orthodontic) office may remain open to address:
emergency or trauma-related procedures where postponement would significantly impact the health, safety, and welfare of the patient.
The goal of the order is to maximally limit the potential for exposure to COVID 19 to our patients and team and reduce the extent of the disease. We have decided to remain open, only part time, to address problems that you may experience until or unless a new executive order further limits any and all public movement.
Remaining Open for Emergency Procedures
Consistent with Governor Whitmer’s order we will be limiting procedures to emergencies that impact patient health, safety or welfare as determined by Dr. Oppenhuizen.
If you experience a problem please call the office for an appointment. We will assess the problem to determine whether and when you should be seen. Currently, we plan to have limited hours on Tuesday and Thursday for these visits. Of course, you may call any time if you experience a problem requiring immediate attention. Our goal will be to spread out appointments so that we will see one patient at a time, consistent with “social distancing.”
protecting your safety during the COVID-19 pandemic
We will ask if you are healthy and whether anyone in your household is experiencing signs or symptoms of COVID-19. We will ask parents or drivers to stay outside, as much as practical and feasible.
We will keep our patients updated on our status using our blog and on Facebook and Instagram.
I have an appointment on Monday, April 27th. Should i keep it or will it be rescheduled?